I did some more research in the bill:
Wiener says exactly what the bill is about: SB145 ends discrimination against LGBTQ and makes statutory rape committed by LGBTQ exempt from having to be put on a sex registry.
There is already a 5 year age differential in the existing law (a 21 having sex with a 16 year old is ALREADY okay with California). So this is extending it to a 10 year differential for LGBTQ people, making a 21 year old LGBTQ male/female having sex with a 11 year old okay.
The other thing this bill changes is the nature of the person that commits statutory rape, it will still be statutory rape, but now if an LGBT person does it, their "institutional oppression" makes them immune from having to be a registered sex offender.
Previous bills of his downgraded the knowing transmission of HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor.
Another bill he has introduced is to force language (1st amendment violation) for prison and police officials to use gender pronouns of a criminals choice. The criminal could literally change pronouns daily and it would be a violation of their rights if the prison or police can't keep up.
He also introduced and passed a bill in California that allows sex offenders to be removed from the sex offender registry on demand or after periods as short as 5 year after a conviction. Ninety percent of California sex offenders will no longer be required to register after July 2021. In July 2023, any sex offender California hasn't processed yet into the new tiered system (whether to keep them 5, 10, 20 years on the registry), literally, a legal review of millions of records in 2 years, they will DROP OFF THE LIST.
Wiener has something to hide, he is or he protects a child sex predator. There is no reason to introduce draconian laws that will remove sentencing on 90% of child sex offenses.